- -pnea
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[Gr. pnoia breath] a word termination denoting relationship to breathing.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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[Gr. pnoia breath] a word termination denoting relationship to breathing.Medical dictionary. 2011.
-pnea — [dal gr. pnéō respiro ]. (med.) Secondo elemento di parole composte nelle quali indica respirazione (per es., apnea ) … Enciclopedia Italiana
pnea — tachy·pnea; … English syllables
-pnea — or pnoea noun combining form Etymology: New Latin, from Greek pnoia, from pnoia, from pnein to breathe breath ; breathing < hyperpnea > < apnoea > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-pnea — a combining form meaning breath, respiration, used in the formation of compound words that denote a kind of breathing or condition of the respiratory system, as specified by the initial element: dyspnea; hyperpnea. Also, pnoea. [ < Gk pnoia, akin … Universalium
-pnea — ► sufijo Componente de palabra procedente del gr. pneo, que significa respirar: ■ apnea. * * * ► Sufijo procedente del gr. pnéō, respirar … Enciclopedia Universal
-pnea — pnè·a conf. TS fisiol., med. respirazione, relativo alla respirazione: brachipnea, polipnea {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: dal gr. pnoia, cfr. pnéō io respiro … Dizionario italiano
-pnea — or pnoea aff. a combining form meaning “breath, respiration,” used esp. to form nouns denoting a kind of breathing or condition of the respiratory system, as specified by the initial element: dyspnea; hyperpnea[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk pnoia,… … From formal English to slang
-pnea — noun combining form or pnoea (p)(ˈ)nēə ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek pnoia, from pnoia, pnoē breathing, breath, from pnein to breathe : breath … Useful english dictionary
bradypnea — Abnormal slowness of respiration, specifically a low respiratory frequency. [brady + G. pnoe, breathing] * * * bra·dy·pnea or chiefly Brit bra·dy·pnoea .brād ə(p) nē əalso .brad n abnormally slow breathing * * * brady·pnea (brad″e neґə … Medical dictionary
hyperpnea — Breathing that is deeper and more rapid than is normal at rest. [hyper + G. pnoe, breathing] * * * hy·per·pnea or chiefly Brit hy·per·pnoea .hī pər nē ə, .pərp nē n abnormally rapid or deep breathing hy·per·pne·ic or chiefly Brit hy·per·pnoe·ic… … Medical dictionary