
SYN: plane. [L. plane]
- plana coronalia SYN: frontal plane.
- plana frontalia [TA] SYN: frontal plane.
- horizontal planes [TA] plane parallel and relative to the horizon; in the anatomic position, horizontal planes are transverse planes; in the supine or prone positions, horizontal planes are frontal (coronal planes). SYN: plana horizontalia [TA].
- plana horizontalia [TA] SYN: horizontal planes.
- p. interspinale [TA] SYN: interspinous plane. SEE ALSO: Addison clinical planes, under plane.
- p. intertuberculare [TA] SYN: intertubercular plane. SEE ALSO: Addison clinical planes, under plane.
- p. medianum [TA] SYN: median plane.
- p. occipitale [TA] SYN: occipital plane.
- p. orbitale SYN: orbital plane.
- p. popliteum SYN: popliteal surface of femur.
- plana sagittalia [TA] SYN: sagittal plane.
- p. semilunatum the area of epithelium bounding the sensory area of the crista ampullaris.
- p. sphenoidale [TA] SYN: jugum sphenoidale.
- p. sternale SYN: sternal plane.
- p. subcostale [TA] SYN: subcostal plane.
- p. supracristale [TA] SYN: supracristal plane.
- p. temporale [TA] SYN: temporal plane.
- p. transpyloricum [TA] SYN: transpyloric plane. See Addison clinical planes, under plane.
- plana transversalia [TA] SYN: transverse plane.

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pla·num 'plā-nəm n, pl pla·na - a flat surface of bone esp. of the skull

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pla·num (plaґnəm) pl. plaґna [L.] 1. plane. 2. in anatomical nomenclature, a more or less flat surface of a bone or other structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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