
A disease caused by a spirochete, Treponema carateum, endemic in Mexico and Central America, and characterized by a small primary papule followed by an enlarging plaque and disseminated secondary macules of varying color called pintids that finally become white. SEE ALSO: nonvenereal syphilis. SYN: azul, carate, mal del pinto. [Sp. painted]

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pin·ta 'pint-ə, 'pin-. n a chronic skin disease that is endemic in tropical America, that occurs successively as an initial papule, a generalized eruption, and a patchy loss of pigment, and that is caused by a spirochete of the genus Treponema (T. careteum) morphologically indistinguishable from the causative agent of syphilis called also mal del pinto, pinto

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a skin disease, prevalent in tropical America, that seems to affect only the dark-skinned races. It is caused by the spirochaete Treponema carateum, a microorganism similar to those causing yaws and syphilis. The disease is thought to be transmitted either by direct contact between individuals or by flies that carry the infective spirochaetes on their bodies. Symptoms include thickening and eventual loss of pigment of the skin, particularly on the hands, wrists, feet, and ankles. Pinta is rarely disabling or fatal and is treated successfully with penicillin.

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pin·ta (pēnґtah) [Sp. âœpaintedâ] a form of treponematosis endemic in certain parts of tropical America, characterized by discolored spots on the skin that may be white, brown, blue, red, or violet; it is caused by Treponema carateum, and patients usually have a positive Wassermann reaction. It is believed to be transmitted usually by direct person-to-person contact.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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