- pinealoma
- A term that has been variably used to designate germ cell tumors, pineocytomas, and pineoblastomas of the pineal gland. [pineal + G. -oma, tumor]- ectopic p. an obsolete term for an undifferentiated neoplasm resembling a p., usually found near the pituitary gland; believed by some to be an undifferentiated teratoma.
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pin·e·a·lo·ma .pin-ē-ə-'lō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a tumor (as a germinoma) of the pineal gland or pineal region* * *
pin·e·a·lo·ma (pin″e-ə-loґmə) an uncommon tumor of the pineal body composed of neoplastic nests of large epithelial cells; symptoms include hydrocephalus, conjugate paralysis of upward gaze, disturbances of gait, and precocious puberty, the last possibly due to the suppression of pineal secretion of melatonin. Called also pinealocytoma and pineocytoma.
Medical dictionary. 2011.