
Exsection of a portion of the phrenic nerve, to prevent reunion such as may follow phrenicotomy. SYN: phrenectomy, phrenicoexeresis, phreniconeurectomy. [phreni- + G. ektome, excision]

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phren·i·cec·to·my .fren-ə-'sek-tə-mē n, pl -mies surgical removal of part of a phrenic nerve to secure collapse of a diseased lung by paralyzing the diaphragm on one side compare PHRENICOTOMY

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phren·i·cec·to·my (fren″ĭ-sekґtə-me) [phrenic nerve + -ectomy] resection of the phrenic nerve, formerly done to cause paralysis of the diaphragm; called also phreniconeurectomy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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