phototoxic — adjective Date: 1942 1. rendering the skin susceptible to damage (as sunburn or blisters) upon exposure to light and especially ultraviolet light < phototoxic antibiotics > 2. induced by a phototoxic substance • phototoxicity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
phototoxic — pho·to·tox·ic (fō tō tŏkʹsĭk) adj. Rendering the skin susceptible to damage by light. Used of certain medications and cosmetics. pho to·tox·icʹi·ty ( tŏk sĭsʹĭ tē) n. * * * … Universalium
phototoxic — adjective (of a medicine or cosmetic) causing damage to the skin when exposed to light … Wiktionary
phototoxic — pho·to·toxic … English syllables
phototoxic — … Useful english dictionary
phototoxic dermatitis — a type of actinic dermatitis in which there is an exaggerated sunburnlike reaction on light exposed areas of the skin, sometimes with blistering, hyperpigmentation, and desquamation; it is the cutaneous manifestation of phototoxicity. Called also … Medical dictionary
Phototoxicity — is a phenomenon known in live cell, where illuminating a fluorescent molecule (the fluorescently active site is called a fluorophore) causes the selective death of the cells expressing it. In fluorescence microscopyWhile not completely understood … Wikipedia
Contact dermatitis — Classification and external resources Rash resulting from skin reactions. ICD 10 L … Wikipedia
photodermatitis — Dermatitis caused or elicited by exposure to sunlight; may be phototoxic or photoallergic, and can result from topical application, ingestion, inhalation, or injection of mediating phototoxic or photoallergic material. SEE ALSO:… … Medical dictionary
phototoxicity — The condition resulting from an overexposure to ultraviolet light, or from the combination of exposure to certain wavelengths of light and a phototoxic substance. SEE ALSO: photosensitization. [photo + G. toxikon, poison] * * * n … Medical dictionary