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Mycobacterium — TEM micrograph of M. tuberculosis. Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Nontuberculous mycobacteria — (NTM), also known as environmental mycobacteria, atypical mycobacteria[1] and mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (MOTT), are mycobacteria which do not cause tuberculosis or Hansen s disease (also known as leprosy). Contents 1 Introduction 2… … Wikipedia
Phenotypic testing of Mycobacteria — A variety of phenotypic tests can be used to identify and distinguish Mycobacteria strains and species from each other.The most commonly used tests are described below:Acetamide, utilization as solce C and N sourceMedia: KH2PO4 (0.5g), MgSO4*7H20 … Wikipedia
classification — A systematic arrangement into classes or groups based on perceived common characteristics; a means of giving order to a group of disconnected facts. adansonian c. the c. of organisms based on giving equal weight to every character of the… … Medical dictionary
mycobacteria — Organisms belonging to the genus Mycobacterium. atypical m. species of m. other than M. tuberculosis or M. bovis that can cause disease in immunocompromised humans; being replaced by the designation of MOTT (M. Other Than Tuberculosis). Runyon… … Medical dictionary
nontuberculous mycobacteria — mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis or M. bovis. They are divided into four groups (Runyon groups) based on pigmentation and rate of growth, each containing several species. Group I includes slow growing photochromogens; group II slow growing … Medical dictionary