- phosphatidylethanolamine
- The condensation product of a phosphatidic acid and ethanolamine; found in biomembranes. SEE ALSO: cephalin.- p. cytidylyltransferase a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of cephalin; it catalyzes the reaction of phosphoethanolamine and CTP to form CDP-ethanolamine and pyrophosphate.
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phos·pha·ti·dyl·eth·a·nol·amine -.eth-ə-'näl-ə-.mēn, -'nōl- n any of a group of phospholipids that occur esp. in blood plasma and in the white matter of the central nervous system called also cephalin* * *
phos·pha·ti·dyl·eth·a·nol·amine (PE) (fos″fə-ti″dəl-eth″ə-nolґə-mēn) a phospholipid in which ethanolamine is attached to the phosphate group of phosphatidic acid by an ester linkage; it is a major constituent of cell membranes and is localized preferentially in the inner surface of the plasma membrane.
Medical dictionary. 2011.