
1. Abnormally slow motion of blood in veins, usually with venous distention. 2. Treatment of congestive heart failure by compressing proximal veins of the extremities with tourniquets. SYN: bloodless phlebotomy. SYN: venostasis. [phlebo- + G. stasis, a standing still]

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phle·bos·ta·sis fli-'bäs-tə-səs n, pl -ta·ses -.sēz abnormally slow venous blood circulation

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phle·bos·ta·sis (flə-bosґtə-sis) [phlebo- + -stasis] 1. venous stasis. 2. temporary sequestration of a portion of the blood from the general circulation by application of tourniquets on an extremity.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • phlebostasis — noun a) A slowing of the flow of blood through the veins b) The compression of the veins of a limb by means of a tourniquet Syn: venostasis …   Wiktionary

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  • venostasis — SYN: phlebostasis. [veno + G. stasis, a standing] * * * ve·nos·ta·sis vi näs tə səs n, pl ta·ses .sēz an abnormal slowing or stoppage of the flow of blood in a vein * * * ve·no·sta·sis (ve″no staґsis) [veno + stasis] venous stasis …   Medical dictionary

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