- Analysis
- A psychology term for processes used to gain understanding of complex emotional or behavioral issues.
* * *1. The breaking up of a chemical compound or mixture into simpler elements; a process by which the composition of a substance is determined. 2. The examination and study of a whole in terms of the parts composing it. 3. See psychoanalysis. [G. a breaking up, fr. ana, up, + lysis, a loosening]- accumulation a. a technique in which an intermediate of a metabolic pathway accumulates due to selective inhibition of a particular step in that pathway or in a mutant that is deficient in a certain step. The intermediate is then isolated, analyzed, and identified.- activation a. the identification and quantification of unknown elements from their characteristic emissions and decay constants after they have been made radioactive by exposure to neutron or charged particle radiation.- amino acid a. 1. determination and identification of amino acid content of a macromolecule; 2. identification of a specific amino acid in macromolecules, often a mutated protein; 3. identification and quantitation of amino acid content in blood plasma or urine; a key diagnostic aid.- blood gas a. the direct electrode measurement of the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.- cluster a. a set of statistical methods used to group variables or observations into strongly interrelated subgroups.- content a. any of a variety of techniques for classification and study of the verbal products of normal or of psychologically disabled individuals.- decision a. a derivative of operations research and game theory that involves identifying all available choices and the potential outcomes of each, in a series of decisions that have to be made about patient care—diagnostic procedures, therapeutic regimens, prognostic expectations; the range of choices can be plotted on a decision tree.- discriminant a. a statistical analytic technique used with discrete dependent variables, concerned with separating sets of observed values and allocating new values; an alternative to regression a..- distributive a. the a. of information gained about the patient and its distribution by the physician, as indicated by the patient's complaint and symptoms.- Fourier a. a mathematical approximation of a function as the sum of periodic functions (sine and/or cosine waves) of different frequencies; a method of converting a function of time or space into a function of frequency; used in reconstruction of images in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in radiology and in a. of any kind of signal for its frequency content. SYN: Fourier transfer, Fourier transform.- gastric a. measurement of pH and acid output of stomach contents; basal acid output can be determined by collecting the overnight gastric secretion or by a 1-hr collection; maximal acid output is determined following injection of histamine; output is measured by titration with a strong base.- intention-to-treat a. method of analyzing results of a randomized controlled trial that includes in the a. all the cases that should have received a treatment regimen but for whatever reason did not do so. All cases allocated to each arm of the trial are analyzed together as representing that treatment arm, whether or not they received or completed the prescribed regimen.- interaction process a. in psychology, a. of small group behavior in terms of 12 specific categories, e.g., solidarity, tension release, agreement.- Kaplan-Meier a. a method of calculating survival of a patient population in which the increments are the actual survival times of the patients.- linkage a. the assessment of the linkage relationship between two loci by the examination of data in pedigrees. The classical concern is with estimating recombination fractions and (because of its elasticity, efficiency, and other optimal properties) the preferred method is maximum likelihood estimation. However, there are other more modern concerns, notably determining the order of loci, testing for additive and interactive properties in the mapping function, and reconciling the pedigree data with evidence from other methods ( e.g., cytogenetics, in situ hybridization studies, etc.).- Northern blot a. a procedure similar to the Southern blot a., used to separate and identify RNA fragments; typically via transferring (blotting) RNA fragments from an agarose gel to a nitrocellulose filter followed by detection with a suitable probe. [coined to distinguish it from eponymic Southern blot a.]- occlusal a. a study of the relations of the occlusal surfaces of opposing teeth and their effect upon related structures. SYN: bite a..- path a. a mode of a. involving assumptions about the direction of causal relationships among linked sequences and configurations of variables.- pedigree a. the formal study of the pattern of a trait in a pedigree to determine such properties as its mode of inheritance, age of onset, and variability in phenotype.- qualitative a. determination of the nature, as opposed to the quantity, of each of the elements composing a substance.- quantitative a. determination of the amount, as well as the nature, of each of the elements composing a substance.- regression a. the statistical method of finding the "best" mathematical model to describe one variable as a function of another.- segregation a. in genetics, the enumeration of progeny according to distinct and mutually exclusive phenotypes; used as a test of a putative pattern of inheritance, e.g., mendelian, dominant autosomal, epistatic, age-dependent.- sequential a. a statistical method that allows an experiment to be ended as soon as a result of desired precision is obtained.- Southern blot a. a procedure to separate and identify DNA sequences; DNA fragments are separated by electrophoresis on an agarose gel, transferred (blotted) onto a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane, and hybridized with complementary (labeled) nucleic acid probes.- survival a. a class of statistical procedures for estimating survival rates and making inferences about effects of treatment, prognostic factors, etc.- training a. psychoanalytic treatment for the purpose of training of an analytic candidate carried out under the official auspices of a psychoanalytic training institute. SYN: didactic a..- transactional a. a psychotherapy system, used in both individual and group treatment, involving a systematic understanding of the qualities of interpersonal interactions in the treatment sessions; includes four components: 1) structural a. of intrapsychic phenomena; 2) transactional a. proper, determination of the currently dominant ego state (parent, child, or adult) of each participant; 3) game a., identification of the games played in their interactions and of the gratifications provided; 4) script a., uncovering of the causes of the patient's emotional problems.- a. of variance (ANOVA) a statistical technique that isolates and assesses the contribution of categorical independent variables to variation in the mean of a continuous dependent variable.- volumetric a. quantitative a. by the addition of graduated amounts of a standard test solution to a solution of a known amount of the substance analyzed, until the reaction is just at an end; depends upon the stoichiometric nature of the reaction between the test solution and the unknown.- Western blot a. a procedure in which proteins separated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels are transferred (blotted) onto nitrocellulose or nylon membranes and identified by specific complexing with antibodies that are either pre- or posttagged with a labeled secondary protein. SEE ALSO: immunoblot. SYN: Western blot, Western blot ting. [coined to distinguish it from eponymic Southern blot a.]- zoo blot a. a procedure using Southern blot a. to test the ability of a nucleic acid probe from one species to hybridize with the DNA fragment of another species.
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1) separation of a whole into its component parts2 a) the identification or separation of ingredients of a substanceb) a statement of the constituents of a mixture3) PSYCHOANALYSIS* * *
n.(in psychology) any means of understanding complex mental processes or experiences. There are several systems of analysis used by different schools of psychology; for example, psychoanalysis; transactional analysis, in which people's relationships are explained in psychoanalytic terms; and functional analysis, in which a particular kind of behaviour is thoroughly described with reference to its frequency, its antecedents, and its consequences.* * *
anal·y·sis (ə-nalґĭ-sis) pl. analґyses [ana- + -lysis] 1. separation into component parts or elements; the act of determining the component parts of a substance. 2. psychoanalysis. analytic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.