
The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage. Also, the stoppage of blood flow through a blood vessel or organ of the body. Hemostasis is the arrest of bleeding, whether it be by normal vasoconstriction (the vessel walls closing temporarily), by an abnormal obstruction (such as a plaque) or by coagulation or surgical means (such as ligation). The term comes from the Greek roots heme, blood + stasis, halt = halt of the blood.
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1. The arrest of bleeding. 2. The arrest of circulation in a part. 3. Stagnation of blood. SYN: hemostasia. [hemo- + G. stasis, a standing]

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he·mo·sta·sis or chiefly Brit hae·mo·sta·sis .hē-mə-'stā-səs n, pl -sta·ses -.sēz
1) stoppage or sluggishness of blood flow
2) the arrest of bleeding (as by a hemostatic agent)

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he·mo·sta·sis (he″mo-staґsis) (he-mosґtə-sis) [hemo- + stasis] 1. arrest of bleeding, either by the physiological properties of vasoconstriction and coagulation or by surgical means. 2. interruption of blood flow through a vessel or to a part.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • hemostasis — /hi mos teuh sis, hee meuh stay sis, hem euh /, n. Med. 1. the stoppage of bleeding. 2. the stoppage of the circulation of blood in a part of the body. 3. stagnation of blood in a part. Also, hemostasia /hee meuh stay zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh,… …   Universalium

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