- pessary
- 1. An appliance of varied form, introduced into the vagina to support the uterus or to correct any displacement. 2. A medicated vaginal suppository. [L. pessarium, fr. G. pessos, an oval stone used in certain games]- cube p. plastic or rubber p. in a cube shape particularly suitable for elderly women with uterine prolapse.- diaphragm p. a ring with a covered opening, used as a platform to support uterus, bladder, or rectum.- ring p. a ring of rubber, plastic, or metal in which the cervix rests; designed to support the uterus and to correct prolapse of that organ. SYN: doughnut p..
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1) a vaginal suppository2) a device worn in the vagina to support the uterus, remedy a malposition, or prevent conception* * *
n.1. a plastic device, often ring-shaped, that fits into the vagina and keeps the uterus in position: used to treat prolapse. The usual type is a ring pessary but occasionally a Hodge pessary is used.2. (vaginal suppository) a plug or cylinder of cocoa butter or some other soft material containing a drug that is fitted into the vagina for the treatment of gynaecological disorders (e.g. vaginitis) or for the induction of labour (a Prostin pessary containing prostaglandin).* * *
pes·sa·ry (pesґə-re) [L. pessarium] 1. an instrument placed in the vagina to support the uterus or rectum or as a contraceptive device. 2. a medicated vaginal suppository.
Medical dictionary. 2011.