- persulfate
- A salt of persulfuric acid.
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per·sul·fate (pər-sulґfāt) a salt of persulfuric acid.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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per·sul·fate (pər-sulґfāt) a salt of persulfuric acid.Medical dictionary. 2011.
persulfate — [ pɛrsylfat ] n. m. • 1898; de per et sulfate ♦ Chim. Persel obtenu par électrolyse d un sulfate. ● persulfate nom masculin Sel d un acide persulfurique. (Les persulfates sont des agents de blanchiment et des affaiblisseurs de clichés… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Persulfate — Persulfate, Überschwefelsäuresalze, z. B. Natriumpersulfat, überschwefelsaures Natron … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
persulfate — [pər sul′fāt΄] n. [ PER + SULFATE] a salt containing the divalent, negative radical S2O8, produced by the electrolysis of a sulfate solution … English World dictionary
persulfate — |pər, (ˈ)per+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary per + sulfate 1. : a sulfate in which the metal has a relatively high valence persulfate of iron Fe2(SO4)3 2. : a salt of persulfuric acid; esp … Useful english dictionary
Persulfate — The term persulfate refers to ions or compounds with more oxygen than normal sulfates.These do not have sulfur in a different oxidation state; rather, they contain peroxide units, where two oxygens take the place of one in a normal sulfate; the… … Wikipedia
persulfate — /peuhr sul fayt/, n. Chem. a salt of persulfuric acid, as potassium persulfate, K2S2O5 or K2S2O8. [1805 15; PER + SULFATE] * * * … Universalium
Persulfate d'ammonium — Persulfate d ammonium … Wikipédia en Français
Persulfate — Acide de Caro Acide de Caro Général No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
persulfate — noun Any of several oxyanions (and their associated salts) that have peroxide units linked to one or more sulfur atoms … Wiktionary
persulfate — per·sulfate … English syllables