- pericyte
- One of the slender mesenchymal-like cells found in close association with the outside wall of postcapillary venules; it is relatively undifferentiated and may become a fibroblast, macrophage, or smooth muscle cell. SYN: adventitial cell, pericapillary cell, perithelial cell. [peri- + G. kytos, cell]
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peri·cyte 'per-ə-.sīt n a cell of the connective tissue about capillaries or other small blood vessels* * *
peri·cyte (perґe-sīt) [peri- + -cyte] a type of elongated cell having the power of contraction; these are found wrapped about the outside of precapillary arterioles, postcapillary venules, and capillaries. Called also adventitial, pericapillary, perithelial, or perivascular cell.Pericyte, its processes wrapped around the capillary epithelium.
Medical dictionary. 2011.