- pericentral
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peri·cen·tral (per″e-senґtrəl) surrounding a center.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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peri·cen·tral (per″e-senґtrəl) surrounding a center.Medical dictionary. 2011.
pericentral — alrededor de un centro. Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
pericentral — /per i senˈtrəl/ adjective Surrounding a centre or central body ORIGIN: ↑peri (1), and Gr kentron point, centre • • • pericenˈtric adjective … Useful english dictionary
pericentral — peri·central … English syllables
pericentral cell — |perə+... noun Etymology: peri + central : any of various cells surrounding the central cells of the thallus in many red algae (as of the genus Polysiphonia) and in some cases acting as the apical cells of laterals or in others producing an outer … Useful english dictionary
pericenter — pericentral, pericentric, adj. /per euh sen teuhr/, n. Astron. the point at which a heavenly body orbiting around a primary other than the earth or sun is closest to the primary. Cf. apocenter. [1900 05; PERI + CENTER] * * * … Universalium
Polysiphonia — Taxobox color = khaki name = Polysiphonia image width = 240px regnum = Protista phylum = Rhodophyta classis = Florideophyceae ordo = Ceramiales familia = Rhodomelaceae genus = Polysiphonia genus authority = Greville subdivision ranks = Species… … Wikipedia
Inferior colliculus — Infobox Brain Name = PAGENAME Latin = colliculus inferior GraySubject = 188 GrayPage = 806 Caption = Transverse section of mid brain at level of inferior colliculi. Caption2 = Deep dissection of brain stem. Lateral view. ( Inferior colliculus is… … Wikipedia
Medial geniculate nucleus — Brain: Medial geniculate nucleus Thalamic nuclei: MNG = Midline nuclear group AN = Anterior nuclear group MD = Medial dorsal nucleus VNG = Ventral nuclear group VA = Ventral anterior nucleus VL = Ventr … Wikipedia
Nutmeg liver — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD9 = ICD9|573.8 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = Nutmeg liver is the pathological appearance of the liver caused by chronic passive congestion… … Wikipedia
pericentric — adjective a) pericentral b) Of or pertaining to a pericentre … Wiktionary