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per·fo·ra·tion .pər-fə-'rā-shən n
1) the act or process of perforating specif the penetration of a body part through accident or disease <spontaneous \perforation of the sigmoid colon in the presence of diverticulosis (Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.)>
2 a) a rupture in a body part caused esp. by accident or disease
b) a natural opening in an organ or body part

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the creation of a hole in an organ, tissue, or tube. This may occur in the course of a disease (e.g. a duodenal ulcer, colonic diverticulitis, or stomach cancer), allowing the contents of the intestine to enter the peritoneal cavity, which causes acute inflammation (peritonitis) with sudden severe abdominal pain and shock. Treatment is usually by surgical repair of the perforation, but conservative treatment with antibiotics may result in spontaneous healing. Perforation may also be caused accidentally by instruments - for example a gastroscope may perforate the stomach, a curette may perforate the uterus - or by injury, for example to the eardrum.

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per·fo·ra·tion (pur″fə-raґshən) [L. perforare to pierce through] 1. the act of boring or piercing through a part. 2. a hole or break in the containing walls or membranes of an organ or structure of the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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