- Pediculus
- A genus of parasitic lice (family Pediculidae) that live in the hair and feeds periodically on blood. Important species include P. humanus, the species of louse infecting humans; P. humanus var. capitis, the head louse of humans; P. humanus var. corporis (also called P. vestimenti or P. corporis), the body louse or clothes louse, which lives and lays eggs (nits) in clothing and feeds on the human body; and P. pubis. [L.]
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pe·dic·u·lus pi-'dik-yə-ləs n1) cap the type genus of the family Pediculidae that includes the body louse (P. humanus corporis) and head louse (P. humanus capitis) infesting humans* * *
n.a widely distributed genus of lice. There are two varieties of the species affecting humans: P. humanus capitis, the head louse; and P. humanus corporis, the body louse. The presence of these parasites can irritate the skin (see pediculosis), and in some parts of the world body lice are involved in transmitting relapsing fever and typhus.* * *
Pe·dic·u·lus (pə-dikґu-ləs) a genus of sucking lice (order Anoplura), of the family Pediculidae.
Medical dictionary. 2011.