- pedicle
- 1. A constricted portion or stalk. SYN: pediculus (1) [TA]. 2. A stalk by which a nonsessile tumor is attached to normal tissue. SYN: pedunculus [TA], peduncle (2). 3. A stalk through which a flap of tissue is vascularized, permitting transfer to another site. [L. pediculus, dim. of pes, foot]- p. of arch of vertebra [TA] the constricted portion of the arch on either side extending from the body to the lamina; bound intervertebral foramina superiorly and inferiorly. SYN: pediculus arcus vertebrae [TA], radix arcus vertebrae.- vascular p. the tissues containing arteries and veins of an organ; specifically in chest radiology, the (width of the) mediastinum at the level of the aortic arch and superior vena cava.
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a) the basal part of each side of the neural arch of a vertebra connecting the laminae with the centrumb) the narrow basal part by which various organs (as kidney or spleen) are continuous with other body structuresc) the narrow base of a tumord) the part of a pedicle flap left attached to the original site* * *
n.1. the narrow neck of tissue connecting some tumours to the normal tissue from which they have developed.2. (in plastic surgery) a narrow folded tube of skin by means of which a piece of skin used for grafting remains attached to its original site. A pedicle graft is used when the recipient site is unsuited to take an independent skin graft (for example, because of poor blood supply). See also flap, skin graft.* * *
ped·i·cle (pedґĭ-kəl) [L. pediculus little foot] a footlike, stemlike, or narrow basal part or structure, as the stalk by which a nonsessile tumor is attached to normal tissue, or the narrow strip of flap tissue through which it receives its blood supply. Called also pediculus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.