
Increased transmission of the voice sound through the pulmonary structures, so that it is clearly audible on auscultation of the chest; usually indicates consolidation of the underlying lung parenchyma. SYN: pectorophony. [L. pectus, chest, + loquor, to speak]
- aphonic p. SYN: Baccelli sign.
- whispered p., whispering p. p. of whispered sounds in the same fashion as that of voice sounds. SYN: whispered bronchophony.

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pec·to·ril·o·quy .pek--'ril-ə-kwē n, pl -quies the sound of words heard through the chest wall and usu. indicating a cavity or consolidation of lung tissue compare BRONCHOPHONY

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abnormal transmission of the patient's voice sounds through the chest wall so that they can be clearly heard through a stethoscope. Whispered sounds (whispering pectoriloquy) can be heard over the lung of a patient with pneumonia.

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pec·to·ril·o·quy (pektə-rilґə-kwe) [pectus + L. loqui to speak] voice sounds of increased resonance heard through the chest wall; cf. egophony and bronchophony. Called also pectorophony.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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