
1. [NA] A structure with comblike processes or projections. 2. SYN: anal p.. [L. comb]
- anal p. [TA] the middle third of the surgical anal canal; upper half of anatomic anal canal extends between pectinate line and the intersphincteric groove, and is lined with anoderm. SYN: p. analis [TA], p. (2).
- p. analis [TA] SYN: anal p..
- p. ossis pubis [TA] SYN: p. pubis.
- p. pubis [TA] the continuation on the superior ramus pubis of the linea terminalis, forming a sharp ridge. SYN: p. ossis pubis [TA], pectineal line of pubis.

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pec·ten 'pek-tən n, pl pec·ti·nes -tə-.nēz a body part that resembles a comb esp a folded vascular pigmented membrane projecting into the vitreous body in the eye of a bird or reptile

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1. the middle section of the anal canal, below the anal valves (see anus).
2. a sharp ridge on the upper branch of the pubis (part of the hip bone).
pectineal adj.

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pec·ten (pekґtən) pl. pecґtines [L.] 1. a comb; applied to certain anatomical structures because of a fancied resemblance to a comb. 2. p. analis. 3. a pleated projection of choroid into the vitreous in the eye of birds, extending forward from the optic disk.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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