
Denoting a feeding relationship intermediate between predation and parasitism, in which the p. eventually destroys its host; refers especially to parasitic wasps (order Hymenoptera) whose larvae feed on and finally destroy a grub or other arthropod host stung by the mother wasp prior to laying its egg(s) on the host. [parasite + G. eidos, appearance]

* * *

par·a·sit·oid 'par-ə--.tȯid, -.sīt-.ȯid adj
1) resembling a parasite
2) being a parasitoid
parasitoid n an insect and esp. a wasp that completes its larval development within the body of another insect which it eventually kills and that is free-living as an adult

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par·a·si·toid (parґə-sitoid) resembling a parasite.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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