
A severe but relatively rare mental disorder characterized by the presence of systematized delusions, often of a persecutory character involving being followed, poisoned, or harmed by other means, in an otherwise intact personality. SEE ALSO: paranoid personality. [G. derangement, madness, fr. para- + noeo, to think]
- acute hallucinatory p. a form in which periods of hallucination occur in addition to the delusions.
- litigious p. a form of p. in which one is inclined to initiate lawsuits.

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para·noia .par-ə-'nȯi-ə n
1) a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usu. without hallucinations
2) a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others

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a mental disorder characterized by delusion organized into a system, without hallucinations or other marked symptoms of mental illness. It is a rare chronic condition; most people with such delusions will in time develop signs of other mental illness.
The same term is sometimes used more loosely for a state of mind in which the individual has a strong belief that he is persecuted by others. His behaviour is therefore suspicious and isolated. This can be a result of personality disorder as well as mental illnesses causing paranoid states.

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par·a·noia (par″ə-noiґah) 1. a term used to describe behavior characterized by well-systematized delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, or a combination of the two. There are several disorders in which paranoia may occur: see delusional disorder, shared psychotic disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia. 2. former name for the condition now called delusional disorder.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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