paramyoclonus multiplex

paramyoclonus multiplex
SYN: myoclonus multiplex. [para- + G. mys, muscle, + klonos, a tumult]

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para·my·oc·lo·nus mul·ti·plex .par-ə-.-'äk--nəs-'məlt-ə-.pleks n a nervous disease characterized by clonic spasms with tremor in corresponding muscles on the two sides

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a benign disorder of the nervous system that is characterized by brief and irregular twitchlike contractions of the muscles of the limbs and trunk.

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term coined by Friedreich to describe a form of myoclonus of unknown etiology starting in the muscles of the upper arms and shoulders and spreading to other parts of the upper body. Called also Friedreich disease and myoclonus multiplex.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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