
Infection with a worm of the genus Paragonimus, especially P. westermani. SYN: pulmonary distomiasis.

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par·a·gon·i·mi·a·sis .par-ə-.gän-ə-'-ə-səs n, pl -a·ses -.sēz infestation with or disease caused by a lung fluke of the genus Paragonimus (P. westermanii) that invades the lung where it produces chronic bronchitis with cough and reddish or brownish sputum and that occas. also enters other viscera or the brain

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a tropical disease that occurs principally in the Far East, caused by the presence of the fluke Paragonimus in the lungs. The infection is acquired by eating inadequately cooked shellfish, such as crayfish and crabs. Symptoms resemble those of chronic bronchitis, including the coughing up of blood and difficulty in breathing (dyspnoea). Paragonimiasis is treated with the drugs bithionol and chloroquine.

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par·a·gon·i·mi·a·sis (parə-gonĭ-miґə-sis) infection with flukes of the genus Paragonimus; characterized by bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and tuberculoid symptoms. Called also lung fluke disease and paragonimosis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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