- Hallux valgus
- The big toe (the hallux) is bent outward (valgus) so it overlaps the 2nd toe. A bunion is a localized painful swelling at the base of the big toe that can accompany hallux valgus. It is frequently associated with inflammation. It can be related to inflammation of the nearby bursa (bursitis) or degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis).
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hallux val·gus -'val-gəs n an abnormal deviation of the big toe away from the midline of the body or toward the other toes of the foot that is associated esp. with the wearing of ill-fitting shoes compare BUNION* * *
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angulation of the great toe away from the midline of the body, or toward the other toes; the great toe may ride under or over the other toes.Hallux valgus, showing the increased intermetatarsal angle, lateral dislocation of sesamoids, subluxation of first metatarsophalangeal joint, and pronation of great toe.
Medical dictionary. 2011.