
Agglutinable with all types of human serum; denoting erythrocytes having this property.

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pan·ag·glu·ti·na·ble .pan-ə-'glüt-ən-ə-bəl adj of a red blood cell agglutinable by all human sera in the presence of viruses or bacteria
pan·ag·glu·ti·na·bil·i·ty -ə-.glüt-ən-ə-'bil-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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pan·ag·glu·tin·a·ble (pan″ə-glooґtĭ-nə-bəl) agglutinable with every type of blood serum from the same species, e.g., red blood cells agglutinable with sera of all human blood groups.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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