- Gynecology
- The branch of medicine particularly concerned with the health of the female organs of reproduction and diseases thereof. The word "gynecology" comes from the Greek gyno, gynaikos meaning woman + logia meaning study, so gynecology literally is the study of women. However, these days gynecology does not address all of women’s medicine but focuses on disorders of the female reproductive organs.
* * *The medical specialty concerned with diseases of the female genital tract, as well as endocrinology and reproductive physiology of the female. [gyneco- + G. logos, study]
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gy·ne·col·o·gy or chiefly Brit gy·nae·col·o·gy .gīn-ə-'käl-ə-jē, .jin- n, pl -gies a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and routine physical care of the reproductive system of womengy·ne·co·log·ic .gīn-i-kə-'läj-ik, .jin- or gy·ne·co·log·i·cal -i-kəl or chiefly Brit gy·nae·co·log·ic or gy·nae·co·log·i·cal adj* * *
gy·ne·col·o·gy (gi″nə-) (jin″ə-kolґə-je) [gyneco- + -logy] the branch of medicine that deals with female health and disease, particularly the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system, including the breasts.
Medical dictionary. 2011.