- pajaroello
- SYN: Ornithodoros coriaceus. [Am. Sp. pajahuello, fr. Sp. paja, straw, + huello, undersurface of hoof]
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pa·ja·ro·el·lo .pä-hə-rə-'we-(.)lō n a venomous tick of the genus Ornithodoros (O. coriaceus) whose bite causes painful swelling called also pajaroello tickEach boldface word in the list below is a British or chiefly British variant of the word to its right in small capitals.palae-encephalon - PALEENCEPHALONpalaeocerebellar - PALEOCEREBELLARpalaeocerebellum - PALEOCEREBELLUMpalaeocortex - PALEOCORTEXpalaeopallial - PALEOPALLIALpalaeopallium - PALEOPALLIUMpalaeopathologist - PALEOPATHOLOGISTpalaeopathology - PALEOPATHOLOGYpalaeostriatum - PALEOSTRIATUM* * *
pa·ja·ro·e·llo (pah-hah-ro-aґyo) Ornithodoros coriaceus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.