- ozone
- O3; a powerful oxidizing agent; air containing a perceptible amount of O3 formed by an electric discharge or by the slow combustion of phosphorus, and has an odor suggestive of Cl2 or SO2; also formed by the action of solar UV radiation on atmospheric O2. [G. ozo, to smell]
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ozone 'ō-.zōn n a triatomic very reactive form of oxygen that is a bluish irritating gas of pungent odor, that is formed naturally in the atmosphere by a photochemical reaction and is a major air pollutant in the lower atmosphere but a beneficial component of the upper atmosphere, and that is used for oxidizing, bleaching, disinfecting, and deodorizingozo·nic ō-'zō-nik, -'zän-ik adj* * *
n.a poisonous gas containing three oxygen atoms per molecule. Ozone is a very powerful oxidizing agent and is formed when oxygen or air is subjected to electric discharge. Ozone is found in the atmosphere at very high altitudes (the ozone layer) and is responsible for destroying a large proportion of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Without this absorption by ozone the earth would be subjected to a lethal amount of ultraviolet radiation.* * *
(oґzōn) [Gr. ozē stench] a bluish explosive gas or blue liquid, an allotropic and more active form of oxygen, O3 that is formed when oxygen is exposed to the silent discharge of electricity. It is an antiseptic and disinfectant. Ozone is a major air pollutant and is irritating and toxic to the respiratory system.
Medical dictionary. 2011.