- oxyphil, oxyphile
- 1. O. cell. 2. SYN: eosinophilic leukocyte. 3. SYN: oxyphilic. [G. oxys, sour, acid, + philos, fond]
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
oxyphil — [äks′ifīl΄äk′si fil΄] n. 〚 OXY 2 + PHIL〛 ACIDOPHIL: also oxyphile [äks′ifīl΄] oxyphilic adj. * … Universalium
oxyphil — [äks′ifīl΄äk′si fil΄] n. [ OXY 2 + PHIL] ACIDOPHIL: also oxyphile [äks′ifīl΄] oxyphilic adj … English World dictionary
oxyphil — I. adjective see oxyphile I II. noun see oxyphile III … Useful english dictionary
oxyphil — См. oxyphile … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
oxyphilic — Having an affinity for acid dyes; denoting certain cell or tissue elements. SYN: oxyphil (3), oxyphile. * * * oxy·phil·ic .äk si fil ik also oxyphil or oxyphile adj ACIDOPHILIC * * * oxy·phil·ic (ok″se filґik) [oxy + philic] … Medical dictionary
leukocyte — A type of cell formed in the myelopoietic, lymphoid, and reticular portions of the reticuloendothelial system in various parts of the body, and normally present in those sites and in the circulating blood (rarely in other tissues). Under various… … Medical dictionary
oxifil — OXIFÍL, Ă adj. Acidofil. [< fr. oxyphile]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN OXIFÍL, Ă adj. acidofil. (< fr. oxyphil) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român