
Widespread deposition of calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys, bones, arterial media, and myocardium, with increased urinary excretion of oxalate; may be an acquired disorder, as in oxalate poisoning, or represent one aspect of primary hyperoxaluria and o.. [oxalate + -osis, condition]

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ox·a·lo·sis .äk--'-səs n an abnormal condition characterized by hyperoxaluria and the formation of calcium oxalate deposits in tissues throughout the body

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an inborn defect of metabolism causing deposition of oxalate in the kidneys and elsewhere and eventually leading to renal failure.

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ox·a·lo·sis (oksə-loґsis) generalized deposition of calcium oxalate in renal and extrarenal tissues, as may occur in primary hyperoxaluria.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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