- Granuloma annulare
- The definition of granuloma annulare in one of the standard print medical dictionaries begins: "a benign, usually self-limited granulomatous disease of unknown etiology, chiefly involving the dermis." Translation: This condition usually clears up by itself (it is "usually self-limited); it is not malignant (it is "benign"); we don't have a clue as to what causes it (it is "of unknown etiology"); it affects the layer (the "dermis") of the skin just below the outside layer (the epidermis). A granuloma is a localized nodular inflammation which has a typical pattern when the involved tissue examined under a microscope. Annulare comes from the Latin word "anus" meaning ring. Granuloma annulare is thus a ring-like granuloma in the skin. Granuloma annulare tends to occur in children, predominantly girls. We recently heard from a viewer who wrote: "I was told my daughter has granuloma alanarra. She has a raised spiral inflammation on her ankle with a clear center. It has increased in size by 3 inches (7-8 cm) in the past year. My doctor told us that it would clear on its own. Is this true? Is there another name I should look under?" There is only one name for this condition to the best of our knowledge — granuloma annulare — and that is the name to look under. Granuloma annulare looks very much as this viewer has described it in his/her daughter. .
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granuloma an·nu·la·re -.an-yu̇-'lar-ē, -'ler- n a benign chronic rash of unknown cause characterized by one or more flat spreading ringlike spots with lighter centers esp. on the feet, legs, hands, or fingers* * *
a chronic skin condition of unknown cause. In the common localized type there is a ring or rings of closely set papules, 1-5 cm in diameter, found principally on the hands and arms. If generalized, it may be associated with diabetes mellitus.* * *
a group of benign, usually self-limited granulomatous diseases of unknown etiology with both localized and disseminated varieties, most often seen in children and young adults. The lesions chiefly involve the dermis and are perforating papules or subcutaneous nodules grouped in rings. Histopathologic findings include palisading macrophages surrounding foci of necrobiosis of the dermis.Granuloma annulare of the dorsum of the hand.
Medical dictionary. 2011.