
Chondrosarcoma arising in bone. Sarcomas in bone containing foci of neoplastic cartilage as well as bone are classified as osteogenic sarcomas. [osteo- + G. chondros, cartilage, + sarx, flesh, + -oma, tumor]

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os·teo·chon·dro·sar·co·ma -.kän-drō-sär-'kō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a sarcoma composed of bone and cartilage

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os·teo·chon·dro·sar·co·ma (os″te-o-kon″dro-sahr-koґmə) [osteo- + chondrosarcoma] chondrosarcoma occurring in bone; used for those tumors including cartilaginous foci but not neoplastic foci of bone.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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