
A disorder affecting bones and joints. [osteo- + G. arthron, joint, + pathos, suffering]
- hypertrophic pulmonary o. expansion of the distal ends, or the entire shafts, of the long bones, sometimes with erosions of the articular cartilages and thickening and villous proliferation of the synovial membranes, and frequently clubbing of fingers; the disorder occurs in some chronic pulmonary diseases, in heart disease (most often congenital), and occasionally in other acute and chronic disorders. SYN: Bamberger-Marie disease, Bamberger-Marie syndrome, hyperplastic osteoarthritis, pneumogenic o., pulmonary o..
- idiopathic hypertrophic o. o. not secondary to pulmonary or other progressive lesions, which may occur alone (acropathy) or as part of the syndrome of pachydermoperiostosis.
- pneumogenic o. SYN: hypertrophic pulmonary o..

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os·teo·ar·throp·a·thy -är-'thräp-ə-thē n, pl -thies a disease of joints or bones specif a hypertrophic condition that is marked esp. by clubbing of the fingers and toes, painful swollen joints, and periostitis and subperiosteal bone formation chiefly affecting the long bones (as the radius or fibula) and that usu. occurs secondary to another disease (as bronchiectasis, bronchogenic carcinoma, mesothelioma, or cirrhosis) called also acropachy

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any disease of the bone and cartilage adjoining a joint. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is characterized by the formation of new bony tissue and occurs as a complication of chronic diseases of the chest, including pulmonary abscess, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.

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os·teo·ar·throp·a·thy (os″te-o-ahr-thropґə-the) [osteo- + arthropathy] any disease of the joints and bones.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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