osmolality — The concentration of particles dissolved in a fluid. The osmolality of serum can help diagnose several medical conditions such as dehydration, diabetes, and shock … English dictionary of cancer terms
osmolality — noun (plural ties) Etymology: osmol + 1 al + ity Date: circa 1944 the concentration of an osmotic solution especially when measured in osmols or milliosmols per 1000 grams of solvent • osmolal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
osmolality — noun The molality of an ideal solution that would exert the same osmotic pressure as the solution being considered … Wiktionary
osmolality — [ˌɒzmə(ʊ) lalɪti] noun Chemistry the concentration of a solution expressed as the total number of solute particles per kilogram. Origin 1950s: blend of osmotic (see osmosis) and molal, + ity … English new terms dictionary
osmolality — os·mo·lal·ity … English syllables
osmolality — n. the concentration of body fluids (e.g. plasma, urine) measured in terms of the amount of dissolved substances per unit mass of water. It is usually given in units of mol kg 1 … The new mediacal dictionary
osmolality — … Useful english dictionary
Plasma osmolality — is a measure of the concentration of substances such as sodium, chloride, potassium, urea, glucose, and other ions in human blood. It is calculated as the osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Normal osmolality in plasma is about 280 303… … Wikipedia
Urine osmolality — is a measure of urine concentration, in which large values indicate concentrated urine and small values indicate diluted urine. In healthy individuals with restricted fluid intake, urine osmolality should be greater than 800mOsm/Kg, while a 24… … Wikipedia
hypo-osmolality — hy·po os·mo·lal·i·ty (hi″po oz″mo lalґĭ te) a decrease in the osmolality of the body fluids. Body fluid volume increases and solute volumes usually decrease; the predominant symptoms are those of hyponatremia such as cerebral… … Medical dictionary