
1. [NA] The mouth. 2. Term applied sometimes to an opening into a hollow organ or canal, especially one with thick or fleshy edges. SEE ALSO: mouth (2), ostium, orifice, opening. [L. mouth]
- anatomical internal o. of uterus [TA] aperture at the narrowing of the uterine cavity demarcating and providing communication between the lumina of the body (uterine cavity) and of the cervix (cervical canal) of the uterus. SYN: ostium anatomicum [TA].
- external o. of uterus [TA] the vaginal opening of the uterus. SYN: ostium uteri [TA], mouth of the womb, opening of uterus, orifice of uterus, orificium externum uteri, o. uteri externum, ostium uteri externum.
- histological internal o. of uterus [TA] site of transition of mucosa of uterus (endometrium) to that of the cervix; it may or may not correspond to the anatomic internal o.. SYN: ostium histologicum [TA].
- incompetent cervical o. a defect in the strength of the internal o. allowing premature dilation of the cervix.
- ossa pedis [TA] SYN: bones of foot, under bone.
- o. uteri externum SYN: external o. of uterus.
- o. uteri internum SYN: isthmus of uterus.
SYN: bone.For histologic description, see bone. [L. bone]
- o. acromiale an acromion that is joined to the scapular spine by fibrous rather than by bony union.
- o. basilare SYN: basilar bone.
- o. breve [TA] SYN: short bone.
- o. calcis SYN: calcaneus (1).
- o. capitatum [TA] SYN: capitate (1).
- ossa carpi [TA] SYN: carpal bones, under bone.
- o. centrale [TA] a small bone occasionally found at the dorsal aspect of the wrist between the scaphoid, capitate, and trapezoid; it is developed as an independent cartilage in early fetal life but usually becomes fused with the scaphoid; it occurs normally in most monkeys. SYN: central bone.
- o. centrale tarsi SYN: navicular.
- o. clitoridis a small bone located in the clitoris of many carnivorous mammals. It is homologous with the o. penis of many male mammals.
- o. coccygis [TA] SYN: coccyx.
- o. costale SYN: Rib.
- o. coxae [TA] SYN: hip bone.
- ossa cranii [TA] SYN: bones of cranium, under bone.
- o. cuboideum SYN: cuboid (bone).
- o. cuneiforme intermedium SYN: intermediate cuneiform (bone).
- o. cuneiforme laterale [TA] SYN: lateral cuneiform (bone).
- o. cuneiforme mediale [TA] SYN: medial cuneiform (bone).
- ossa digitorum bones of digits, under bone. SEE ALSO: phalanx (1).
- o. ethmoidale [TA] SYN: ethmoid.
- ossa faciei SYN: facial bones, under bone.
- o. femoris thigh.
- o. frontale [TA] SYN: frontal bone.
- o. hamatum SYN: hamate (bone).
- o. hyoideum SYN: hyoid bone. SEE ALSO: hyoid apparatus.
- o. iliacum SYN: ilium.
- o. ilium [TA] SYN: ilium.
- o. incae SYN: interparietal bone.
- o. incisivum [TA] SYN: incisive bone.
- o. innominatum SYN: hip bone.
- o. intermaxillare SYN: incisive bone.
- o. intermedium SYN: lunate (bone).
- o. intermetatarseum a supernumerary bone at the base of the first metatarsal, or between the first and second metatarsal bones, usually fused with one or the other or with the medial cuneiform bone. SYN: intermetatarseum.
- o. interparietale [TA] SYN: interparietal bone.
- o. irregulare [TA] SYN: irregular bone.
- o. ischii [TA] SYN: ischium.
- o. japonicum a bipartite or tripartite zygomatic bone, found with greater frequency in the Japanese than in other races.
- o. lacrimale [TA] SYN: lacrimal bone.
- o. longum [TA] SYN: long bone.
- o. lunatum [TA] SYN: lunate (bone).
- o. magnum SYN: capitate (1).
- o. malare SYN: zygomatic bone.
- ossa membri inferioris [TA] SYN: bones of lower limb, under bone.
- ossa membri superioris [TA] SYN: bones of upper limb, under bone.
- ossa metacarpalia IV SYN: metacarpal (bones) [IV], under bone.
- ossa metacarpi, pl.ossa metacarpalia [TA] SYN: metacarpal (bones) [IV], under bone.
- ossa metatarsalia IV SYN: metatarsal (bones) [IV], under bone.
- ossa metatarsi, pl.ossa metatarsalia [TA] SYN: metatarsal (bones) [IV], under bone.
- o. multangulum majus SYN: trapezium bone.
- o. multangulum minus SYN: trapezoid (bone).
- o. nasale [TA] SYN: nasal bone.
- o. naviculare [TA] SYN: navicular.
- o. naviculare manus SYN: scaphoid (bone).
- o. occipitale [TA] SYN: occipital bone.
- o. odontoideum the dens of the axis when anomalously not fused with the body of the axis.
- o. orbiculare SYN: lenticular process of incus.
- o. palatinum [TA] SYN: palatine bone.
- o. parietale [TA] SYN: parietal bone.
- o. pisiforme [TA] SYN: pisiform (bone).
- o. planum [TA] SYN: flat bone.
- o. pneumaticum [TA] SYN: pneumatized bone.
- o. premaxillare SYN: incisive bone.
- o. pterygoideum SYN: pterygoid process of sphenoid bone.
- o. pubis SYN: pubis.
- o. sacrum [TA] SYN: sacrum.
- o. scaphoideum [TA] SYN: scaphoid (bone).
- o. sesamoideum, pl.ossa sesamoidea [TA] SYN: sesamoid bone.
- o. sphenoidale [TA] SYN: sphenoid (bone).
- o. subtibiale an inconstant bone found very rarely in the distal articular end of the tibia.
- ossa suprasternalia [TA] SYN: suprasternal bones, under bone.
- o. suturarum [TA] SYN: sutural bones, under bone.
- o. sylvii SYN: lenticular process of incus.
- ossa tarsalia tarsal bones, under bone.
- ossa tarsi [TA] SYN: tarsal bones, under bone.
- o. temporale [TA] SYN: temporal bone.
- o. tibiale posterius, o. tibiale posticum a sesamoid bone in the tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle, occasionally fused with the tuberosity of the navicular. SYN: tibiale posticum.
- o. trapezium SYN: trapezium bone.
- o. trapezoideum [TA] SYN: trapezoid (bone).
- o. triangulare SYN: triquetrum.
- o. tribasilare the single bone resulting from the fusion in infancy of the occipital and temporal bones at the base of the cranial cavity.
- o. trigonum [TA] an independent ossicle sometimes present in the tarsus; usually it forms part of the talus, constituting the lateral tubercle of the posterior process. SYN: triangular bone.
- o. triquetrum [TA] SYN: triquetrum.
- o. unguis SYN: lacrimal bone.
- o. vesalianum the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone sometimes existing as a separate bone. SYN: vesalianum, Vesalius bone.
- o. zygomaticum [TA] SYN: zygomatic bone.
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left eye [Lat. oculus sinister]; object oriented; occipitosacral; occupational safety; office surgery; oligosaccharide; Omenn syndrome; opening snap; open source; open splenectomy; operating system; Opitz syndrome; oral surgery; ordinal scale; organspecific; orthognathic surgery; orthopedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery; Osgood-Schlatter [disease]; osteogenic sarcoma; osteosarcoma; osteosclerosis; ouabain sensitivity; overall survival; oxygen saturation

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OS abbr [Latin oculus sinister] left eye used in writing prescriptions

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. n. (pl. ora)
the mouth or a mouthlike part.
. n. (pl. ossa)
a bone.

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[L.] oґculus sinisґter (left eye).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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