- ophthalmoplegia
- chronic progressive external o. (CPEO) a specific type of slowly worsening weakness of the ocular muscles, usually associated with a pigmentary retinopathy. See Kearns-Sayre syndrome, oculopharyngeal dystrophy. SYN: ocular myopathy.- exophthalmic o. o. with protrusion of the eyeballs due to increased water content of orbital tissues incidental to thyroid disorders, usually hyperthyroidism.- fibrotic o. [MIM*135700] o. that may be congenital in association with blepharoptosis; an autosomal dominant disorder.- o. interna paralysis affecting only the sphincter muscle of the pupil and the ciliary muscle. SYN: internal o..- internuclear o. (INO) o. in lesions of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, with failure of adduction in horizontal gaze but with retention of convergence.- o. partialis incomplete o. involving only one or two of the extrinsic or intrinsic ocular muscles.- o. progressiva progressive upper bulbar palsy, due to degeneration of the nuclei of the motor nerves of the eye.- wall-eyed bilateral internuclear o. (WEBINO) a form of internuclear o. associated with an exotropia.
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n.paralysis of the muscles of the eye. Internal ophthalmoplegia affects the muscles inside the eye: the iris (which controls the size of the pupil) and also the ciliary muscle (which is responsible for accommodation). External ophthalmoplegia affects the muscles moving the eye. Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia is a progressive disease of the extrinsic eye muscles leading to ptosis and then paralysis of the muscles; eye movements become increasingly frozen in the primary position. Ophthalmoplegia may accompany exophthalmos due to thyrotoxicosis. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO), due to a lesion in the brainstem, is seen, for example, in patients with multiple sclerosis or stroke.* * *
oph·thal·mo·ple·gia (of-thal″mo-pleґjə) [ophthalmo- + -plegia] paralysis of the eye muscles. ophthalmoplegic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.