- Globus
- A word straight from the Latin, meaning (not unexpectedly) a globe or sphere. The word "globus" is used in a number of different contexts in medicine. Globus hystericus, sometimes just called globus, is the sensation of having a lump in the throat. This is a symptom of hysterical neurosis (conversion hysteria) as well as of diseases such as reflux laryngitis. The globus major is the head of the epididymis, the structure just behind the testis. The globus minor is the lower end of the epididymis. The globus pallidus is a pale-appearing spherical area in the brain.
* * *- g. hystericus difficulty in swallowing; a sensation as of a ball in the throat or as if the throat were compressed; a symptom of conversion disorder.- g. pallidus [TA] the inner and lighter gray portion of the lentiform nucleus; composed of a lateral segment (g. pallidus lateralis [TA]) and a medial segment (g. pallidus medialis [TA]) separated by a vertically oriented lamina of fibers, the lamina medullaris medialis [TA] (medial medullary lamina [TA]). The medial segment may also be incompletely divided into a lateral part [TA] (pars laterallis [TA]) and a medial part [TA] (pars medialis [TA]) by the accessory medullary lamina [TA] (lamina medullaris accessoria [TA]). SEE ALSO: paleostriatum. SYN: pallidum [TA], pale globe.
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n.a spherical or globe-shaped structure; for example the globus pallidus, part of the lenticular nucleus in the brain (see basal ganglia).* * *
glo·bus (gloґbəs) gen. and pl. gloґbi [L. “sphereâ€] a 1. sphere or spherical structure. 2. bulbus oculi. 3. one of the encapsulated globular masses containing bacilli, seen in smears of lepromatous leprosy lesions.
Medical dictionary. 2011.