- octopamine
- A sympathomimetic amine; a false neurotransmitter produced by noradrenergic neurons in the presence of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. SYN: norsympatol, norsynephrine.
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oc·to·pa·mine äk-'tō-pə-.mēn, -mən n an adrenergic biogenic amine C8H11NO2 that is found in some invertebrates and vertebrates and has been used to treat hypotension* * *
oc·to·pam·ine (ok″to-pamґēn) a sympathomimetic amine thought to result from inability of the diseased liver to metabolize tyrosine; it is called a false neurotransmitter, since it can be stored in presynaptic vesicles, replacing norepinephrine, but has little effect on postsynaptic receptors. It is used as the hydrochloride salt in treatment of hypotension.
Medical dictionary. 2011.