
The anion [Fe(CN)5NO]=; as in sodium n.; used as a vasodilator by the intravenous route.

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ni·tro·prus·side .nī-trō-'prəs-.īd n a salt containing the anion [Fe(CN)5NO]2- composed of five cyanogen groups and one nitrosyl group coordinated with iron see SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE

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a cyanide-containing drug used in the emergency treatment of high blood pressure. Given by controlled infusion into a vein, it is the most effective known means of reducing dangerously high pressure, but its effects and level in the blood must be closely monitored. Possible side-effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, palpitations, sweating, and chest pain.

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ni·tro·prus·side (ni″tro-prusґīd) the anion [Fe(CN5)NO]2−; see sodium nitroprusside, under sodium.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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