Cholera — A devastating and sometimes lethal disease with intense vomiting and profuse watery diarrhea leading to dehydration which, unless immediately treated, may be fatal. Cholera was discovered in 1883 to be due to infection with Vibrio cholerae, a… … Medical dictionary
Cholera genome — The genome of the bacterium called Vibrio cholerae that causes cholera. This genome contains over 4 million bases in its DNA including the sequences for nearly 4,000 genes. The V. cholerae genome is remarkable in that it is arranged in two… … Medical dictionary
Genome — All of the genetic information, the entire genetic complement, all of the hereditary material possessed by an organism. Humans and many other higher animals actually have two genomes, which together make up the total genome: {{}}A chromosomal… … Medical dictionary
Genome, Vibrio cholerae — The genome of the bacterium that causes cholera. This genome contains over 4 million bases in its DNA including the sequences for nearly 4,000 genes. The Vibrio cholerae genome is remarkable in that it is arranged in two circular chromosomes. The … Medical dictionary
Chimpanzee genome project — The Chimpanzee Genome Project is an effort to determine the DNA sequence of the Chimpanzee genome. It is expected that by comparing the genomes of humans and other apes, it will be possible to better understand what makes humans distinct from… … Wikipedia
Liste d'espèces protéobacteriennes dont le génome est séquencé — Cette liste d espèces protéobacteriennes dont le génome est séquencé (qui peut ne pas être à jour) présente une liste d espèces de Proteobacteria dont le génome a été séquencé. La plupart de ces séquences ont été publiées dans des bases de… … Wikipédia en Français
V. cholerae genome — The genome of the bacterium that causes cholera. This genome contains over 4 million bases in its DNA including the sequences for nearly 4,000 genes. The V. cholerae genome is remarkable in that it is arranged in two circular chromosomes. The… … Medical dictionary
Vibrio cholerae genome — The genome of the bacterium that causes cholera. This genome contains over 4 million bases in its DNA including the sequences for nearly 4,000 genes. The Vibrio cholerae genome is remarkable in that it is arranged in two circular chromosomes. The … Medical dictionary
Health and Disease — ▪ 2009 Introduction Food and Drug Safety. In 2008 the contamination of infant formula and related dairy products with melamine in China led to widespread health problems in children, including urinary problems and possible renal tube… … Universalium
Plasmodium falciparum — Blood smear of Plasmodium falciparum (gametocytes sexual forms) Scientific classification Domain … Wikipedia