
A malocclusion in which there is a normal anteroposterior relationship between the maxilla and mandible; in Angle classification, a Class I malocclusion. SYN: neutral occlusion (2). [neutro- + occlusion]

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neu·tro·clu·sion .n(y)ü-trə-'klü-zhən n the condition in which the anteroposterior occlusal relations of the teeth are normal

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neu·tro·clu·sion (noo″trŏ-klooґzhən) [neutro- + L. cludere to close] malocclusion characterized by irregularities of individual teeth, but with normal mesiodistal or normal anteroposterior relation of the mandibular to the maxillary dental arch. Generally regarded as identical with class I in the Angle classification of malocclusion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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