
General term for any neoplasm derived from cells of the nervous system; on the basis of newer knowledge pertaining to cytologic and histologic characteristics, a variety of neoplasms, formerly placed in the general category of n., may now be classified in more specific categories, e.g., ganglioneuroma, neurilemoma, pseudoneuroma, and others. [neuro- + G. -oma, tumor]
- acoustic n. SYN: vestibular schwannoma.
- amputation n. SYN: traumatic n..
- n. cutis neurofibroma of the skin.
- false n. SYN: traumatic n..
- fibrillary n. SYN: plexiform neurofibroma.
- Morton n. SYN: Morton neuralgia.
- plexiform n. SYN: plexiform neurofibroma.
- n. telangiectodes a neurofibroma with a conspicuous number of blood vessel s, some of which have unusually large lumens (in proportion to the thickness of the walls).
- traumatic n. the nonneoplastic proliferative mass of Schwann cells and neurites that may develop at the proximal end of a severed or injured nerve. SYN: amputation n., false n., pseudoneuroma.

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neu·ro·ma n(y)u̇-'rō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə
1) a tumor or mass growing from a nerve and usu. consisting of nerve fibers
2) a mass of nerve tissue in an amputation stump resulting from abnormal regrowth of the stumps of severed nerves called also amputation neuroma

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any tumour derived from cells of the nervous system. Such tumours are now usually categorized more specifically (e.g. neurofibroma, neurilemmoma). An acoustic neuroma is a slow-growing benign tumour of the sheath of the vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve that arises in the auditory canal. It progresses to cause tinnitus and hearing loss.

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neu·ro·ma (n-roґmə) [neur- + -oma] a tumor growing from a nerve or made up largely of nerve cells and nerve fibers. Many lesions formerly called neuromas are now given more specific names such as ganglioneuroma, neurilemoma, or neurofibroma. neuromatous adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • neuroma — m. anat. patol. Proliferación de tumores constituidos básicamente por células nerviosas en un tejido conjuntivo fibroso. ⊆ Tumor que se forma a partir de un nervio. Medical Dictionary. 2011. neuroma …   Diccionario médico

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