
1. The proteinaceous network that remains of the myelin sheath of axons following fixation and the removal of the fatty material; the reticular appearance is probably a fixation artifact. 2. The insoluble protein matter of brain remaining after extraction with solvents following proteolytic digestion; it is unrelated to the keratins. SYN: neurochitin. [neuro- + G. keras, horn]

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neu·ro·ker·a·tin -'ker-ət-ən n a pseudokeratin present in nerve tissue (as in the myelin sheath of a myelinated nerve fiber)

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neu·ro·ker·a·tin (nooro-kerґə-tin) proteinaceous material left after the myelin of a myelin sheath is dissolved away during fixation; it forms a network that probably does not exist in vivo.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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