- neurohypophysis
- It is composed of the infundibulum and the nervous lobe of the hypophysis. SEE ALSO: pituitary gland. SYN: lobus nervosus [TA], lobus posterior hypophyseos, pars nervosa hypophyseos, nervous lobe, neural part of hypophysis, posterior lobe of hypophysis. [neuro- + hypophysis]
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neu·ro·hy·poph·y·sis -hī-'päf-ə-səs n, pl -y·ses -.sēz the portion of the pituitary gland that is derived from the embryonic brain, is composed of the infundibulum and neural lobe, and is concerned with the secretion of various hormones called also posterior pituitary gland compare ADENOHYPOPHYSIS* * *
n.* * *
neu·ro·hy·poph·y·sis (noor″o-hi-pofґə-sis) [neuro- + hypophysis] [TA] the posterior lobe of the hypophysis (pituitary gland), which originates as an evagination from the floor of the embryonic diencephalon and is the neural portion of the gland. It consists of the infundibulum or neural stalk, which is continuous with the hypothalamus, and the neural lobe, which is its main body. The median eminence is sometimes considered to be part of the neurohypophysis. It serves as a reservoir for the hypothalamic neurohormones vasopressin, oxytocin, and the neurophysins, releasing them as needed. Called also posterior pituitary, posterior lobe of hypophysis, and lobus posterior hypophyseos [TA alternative]. See also adenohypophysis and circumventricular organs, and see illustration at hypophysis. neurohypophysial adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.