
Inflammation of the kidneys. [nephr- + G. -itis, inflammation]
- acute n. SYN: acute glomerulonephritis.
- acute interstitial n. interstitial n. with variable tubular damage and infiltration by numerous neutrophils, due to bacterial infection, urinary tract obstruction, or other causes (including drugs), which may be hypersensitivity reactions; accompanied by renal failure, fever, blood or tissue eosinophilia, and rash.
- analgesic n. chronic interstitial n. with renal papillary necrosis, occurring in patients with a long history of excessive consumption of analgesics, especially those containing phenacetin. SYN: analgesic nephropathy.
- anti–basement membrane n. glomerulonephritis produced by autologous or heterologous antibodies to the glomerular capillary basement membranes, the latter known as anti–kidney serum n..
- anti–kidney serum n. experimental glomerulonephritis produced by injection of antiserum to kidney.
- chronic n. SYN: chronic glomerulonephritis.
- focal n. SYN: focal glomerulonephritis.
- n. gravidarum n. developing in pregnancy.
- hereditary n. [MIM*161900] familial renal disease occurring in adulthood characterized by proteinuria, hematuria, and hypertension progressing to chronic renal failure. There is no ocular defect or deafness; autosomal dominant inheritance. SEE ALSO: Alport syndrome.
- immune complex n. an immune complex disease resulting from glomerular deposits, as in systemic lupus erythematosus.
- interstitial n. a form of n. in which the interstitial connective tissue is chiefly affected.
- lupus n. glomerulonephritis occurring in some patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, characterized by hematuria and a progressive course culminating in renal failure, often without hypertension; sometimes also applied to the nephrotic syndrome in patients with systemic lupus. Renal biopsies in patients with a progressive course show diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis; in milder cases, there are focal proliferative glomerular lesions or mesangial n..
- salt-losing n. a rare disorder resulting from renal tubular damage of a variety of etiologies; mimics adrenocortical insufficiency in that abnormal renal loss of sodium chloride occurs, accompanied by hyponatremia, azotemia, acidosis, dehydration, and vascular collapse. SYN: salt-losing syndrome, Thorn syndrome.
- serum n. glomerulonephritis occurring in serum sickness or in animals injected with foreign serum protein.
- subacute n. SYN: subacute glomerulonephritis.
- syphilitic n. a rare complication of congenital and secondary syphilis, with the nephrotic syndrome, resulting from glomerular immune-complex deposits.
- transfusion n. renal failure and tubular damage resulting from the transfusion of incompatible blood; the hemoglobin of the hemolyzed red cells is deposited as casts in the renal tubules.
- tuberculous n. n., mainly interstitial, due to the tubercle bacillus.
- tubulointerstitial n. n. affecting renal tubules and interstitial tissue, with infiltration by plasma cells and mononuclear cells; seen in lupus n., allograft rejection, and methicillin sensitization.
- uranium n. an experimental n. produced by the administration of uranium nitrate.

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ne·phri·tis ni-'frīt-əs n, pl ne·phrit·i·des -'frit-ə-.dēz acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney affecting the structure (as of the glomerulus or parenchyma) and caused by infection, a degenerative process, or vascular disease compare NEPHROSCLEROSIS, NEPHROSIS

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inflammation of the kidney. Nephritis is a non-specific term used to describe a condition resulting from a variety of causes. See glomerulonephritis.

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ne·phri·tis (nə-friґtis) pl. nephriґtides [nephr- + -itis] inflammation of the kidney; a focal or diffuse proliferative or destructive process that may involve the glomerulus, tubule, or interstitial renal tissue. See also glomerulonephritis. Cf. nephrosis. nephritic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • nephritis — ne•phri•tis [[t]nəˈfraɪ tɪs[/t]] n. pat inflammation of the kidneys, esp. in Bright s disease • Etymology: 1570–80; < LL nephrītis kidney disease < Gk nephrîtis. See nephro , itis ne•phrit′ic ˈfrɪt ɪk adj …   From formal English to slang

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