- neocerebellum
- Phylogenetic term referring to the larger lateral portion of the cerebellar hemisphere receiving its dominant input from the pontine nuclei which, in turn, are dominated by afferent nerves originating from all parts of the cerebral cortex; phylogenetically, of more recent origin than the archicerebellum and paleocerebellum, q.v., the n. reaches its largest development in humans and other primates. SYN: corticocerebellum.
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neo·cer·e·bel·lum -'bel-əm n, pl -bellums or -bel·la -'bel-ə the phylogenetically youngest part of the cerebellum associated with the cerebral cortex in the integration of voluntary limb movements and comprising most of the cerebellar hemispheres and the superior vermis compare PALEOCEREBELLUM* * *
n.the middle lobe of the cerebellum, excluding the pyramid and uvula. In evolutionary terms it is the newest part, occurring only in mammals.* * *
neo·cer·e·bel·lum (ne″o-ser″ə-belґəm) [neo- + cerebellum] [TA] the phylogenetically newest part of the cerebellum, considered to correspond to its lateral parts, including the cerebellar hemispheres and the middle portion of the vermis. Because the hemispheres are the primary site of termination of the projections from the pons, the corticopontocerebellar fibers, the term is sometimes equated with pontocerebellum. Cf. archicerebellum and paleocerebellum.
Medical dictionary. 2011.