- myelotomy
- Bischof m. longitudinal incision of the spinal cord through the lateral column for treatment of spasticity of the lower extremities.- commissural m. SYN: midline m..- midline m. section of the midline transverse fibers of the spinal cord for the treatment of intractable pain. SYN: commissural m., commissurotomy (2).
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my·e·lot·o·my .mī-ə-'lät-ə-mē n, pl -mies surgical incision of the spinal cord esp section of crossing nerve fibers at the midline of the spinal cord and esp. of sensory fibers for the relief of intractable pain* * *
my·elot·o·my (mi″ə-lotґo-me) the operation of severing tracts in the spinal cord.
Medical dictionary. 2011.