- myelospongium
- The fibrocellular meshwork in the spinal cord of the embryo, from which the neuroglia is developed. [myelo- + G. spongos, sponge]
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my·e·lo·spon·gi·um .mī-ə-lō-'spän-jē-əm, -'spən- n, pl -gia -jē-ə a network in the embryonic central nervous system derived from the spongioblasts and giving rise to the glia* * *
my·elo·spon·gi·um (mi″ə-lo-spunґje-əm) [myelo- + Gr. spongos sponge] the network from which the neuroglial tissue is developed: it pervades the embryonic neural tube, and is composed of the spongioblasts and their branching processes.
Medical dictionary. 2011.