
1. An abnormality in development of the spinal cord, especially the lower part of the cord. 2. Inappropriate term for spina bifida occulta. [myelo- + G. dys-, difficult, + plasis, a molding]

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my·e·lo·dys·pla·sia -dis-'plā-zh(ē-)ə n
1) a developmental anomaly of the spinal cord
2) myelodysplastic syndrome
my·e·lo·dys·plas·tic -'plas-tik adj

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my·elo·dys·pla·sia (mi″ə-lo-dis-plaґzhə) [myelo- + dysplasia] 1. a neural tube defect (q.v.) causing defective development of any part of the spinal cord, especially the lower segments. Called also myelatelia. 2. dysplasia of myelocytes and other elements in bone marrow, which may take the form of myelosuppression or of abnormal proliferation; in the latter case it may precede myelogenous leukemia. See also myelodysplastic syndrome, under syndrome.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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